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Following consultation with the CA membership, Commandant RAFC, and OC RAFOTA, the association has inaugurated an annual prize.

To be awarded to:

The best all-round Junior Officer, selected from Hennessy Trophy and Phillip Sassoon Memorial Prize winners from Modularized Initial Officer Training Courses that graduated during the training year.

The Cranwellian Association Prize comprises a monetary award, and a membership of the Cranwellian Association.

The inaugural presentation of the Cranwellian Association Prize took place at Cranwell on 14th September 2023.

The presentation took place at College Hall , prior to the MIOTC 22 and RIOT 70 Annual Awards and Graduation Dinner

The association was represented by:

            ACM Sir Michael Graydon         President

            AVM Gavin Mackay                  Trustee

            Philip Bright                              Trustee

            Christopher Meynell                  Trustee

The President presented the award for 2022 to Flt Lt Kalum Dayson.

Kalum is an engineer officer, now serving on the instructional staff at RAF Cosford.


The dinner took the form of a traditional Dining in Night, jointly presented by the PMC CHOM and the Officer Cadet PMC.

Prizes were awarded to cadets from the graduating cohorts, officer cadets presented vignettes celebrating unsung heroes from the Battle of Britain, and a splendid occasion was enhanced by the musical accompaniment of the RAFAUX band. The dinner wines were provided by the Cranwellian Association.

The Guest of Honour was AVM David Arthurton , Director Strategy and Military Digitisation, who gave a glimpse into the future,  whilst also emphasising the heritage and ethos of the Royal Air Force.

As always, the bar was the place for convivial Q & A , and a reflection on a splendid evening.

With appreciation to the Commandant for his invitation to this event, in anticipation of further collaboration between the Cranwellian Association and the Royal Force College.


[ Images by Linda Lowing @MOD Crown Copyright 2023 ]

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