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22nd and 23rd June

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Dear Fellow Cranwellians,

What a great Reunion Weekend!

Despite the challenges of accommodation, inevitable last-minute changes and the impact on us all of Anno Domini, we had a good turnout, and it was especially heartening to see so many post-cadet era members attending. The greatest disappointment was the unavoidable absence of CAS, ACM Sir Richard Knighton who, for personal family reasons, had to withdraw at short notice. However, we were delighted that in his place we had the pleasure of welcoming AVM Phil Robinson, a DFC and two Bars, who spoke inspirationally after dinner about his own personal experiences on operations and gave us a taste of what we might expect to be on the RAF’s shopping list in the forthcoming Defence Review.
During the afternoon, we completed the AGM with a farewell to our wonderful President of over fifteen years, Sir Michael Graydon. Sir Mike took over the helm during a tricky time for the Association - then of course the OCA, comprising only ex-cadets. Wisely, Sir Mike steered the Association through a transformation to a more inclusive, charity-based organisation, with wide appeal to all officers whatever their method of entry. Under his leadership the CA has increased its membership, established stronger links with the RAF and the College, and improved its standing as the alumni of choice to all RAF officers. The members present gave a rousing applause to Sir Mike, whilst welcoming our new President, ACM Sir Andrew Pulford.
After the AGM, we continued the theme of informative discussions, and were very fortunate to have as guest speakers Air Cdre Ian Sharrocks, Head of Flying Training, who gave an uplifting briefing on the much-improved status of the Military Flying Training System, followed by a commander’s perspective on Typhoon operations by OC 3 (F) Sqn, Wg Cdr Sonny Roe. Both briefings were very well received by those present, who took full advantage of the most interesting Q&A sessions that followed.
Despite the absence of the BBMF following the tragic loss of one of its pilots in a Spitfire Mk IX, the College Band were quite superb during the moving sunset ceremony, the highlight of which was undoubtedly the stunning solo soprano singing by Cpl Phillipa Fourie.
The excellent meal, bar chat afterwards and the splendid church service the following day capped a memorable weekend, and I am grateful for the many members who have written to record their thanks. That said, we know we can do better, both in the structure of the afternoon session and in the service during the evening meal. The Committee will be addressing those areas where we can and should make the weekend even better.
But above all, we need to attract more full members to the event, and this is where I now appeal to you all. The Annual Reunion is the cornerstone of our Association, and we need to get the message around that it really is worth the effort of the journey to the wilds of Lincolnshire to meet up with old friends. I recognise that late notice of the date is an issue, and we shall try to get something in the diaries before the end of the year. In the meantime, do please make contact with your circle of fellow officers, both to encourage them to join if appropriate but also to ensure they help swell our ranks for next year.
Finally, my sincere thanks to both the College team and our own fantastic volunteer trustees who made the whole weekend possible. They will be starting work on AR25 in September!
In the meantime, stay safe and well, and enjoy the summer holiday period.
Warm Regards,
Sir Christopher Coville 
Air Marshal 
Chairman CA


 by Cranwellian Association. Charity no. 1162454.  Patron, His Majesty King Charles III

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