Russ Oxley
We are sad to report that Russell George Oxley (90 Entry) passed away on the 20th February 2023.
Following his father’s footsteps into the RAF (Gp Capt Russell John Oxley), he joined from the Imperial Services College Windsor, like many before him. He graduated in March 1967 and was posted to Oakington. He was promoted to Flt Lt in 1969 and retired in 1976 to join a civil airline.
Chris Saunby recounts:
We were both in RAFG in the 1970s and both got assigned to the RAF Germany Colour Squadron as a secondary duty - I suspect because we were both ex-Cranwell and it was assumed we knew how to hold a sword. I remember one memorable outing when the Colour Squadron went to Bad Tolz to hold a special ceremony in the War Grave Cemetery on Remembrance Day. I flew down in the back of a C130 with the troops, RAF G Band and Bruggen the Squadron Goat (the goat ate all the empty cardboard sandwich boxes). Russ drove down with his wife and my wife Kate.
A hotel had been booked for us by the British Embassy who were running the show – the Ambassador was to lay the wreath. When they arrived at the hotel, Russ and the girls decided it was a bordello as we were assigned rooms with four poster beds with mirrors on the ceiling above the beds! They promptly checked out and found a guest house attached to pub in the village.
We had a great first night as it was the annual dinner for the village shooting festival when the King of the Shoot was crowned. Much drink was taken and there were still a few revellers slowly waking up in the bar in the morning (the King was still comatose) and were surprised to see Russ and me arrive for breakfast in Number One Dress with swords for a dress rehearsal of the parade.